Sunday, October 20, 2013


Last Sunday, Ben took me on a surprise trip to London for my 22nd birthday. We spent a lovely couple of hours in an Italian restaurant called Bocca Di Lupo filling ourselves up on the most incredible food. The idea is that you share lots of small dishes which I loved as it meant I got to try so many things on the menu! Although I've never been to Italy, I imagine the food in Bocca Di Lupo is pretty authentic - it was simple in terms of the presentation but the flavours that were packed into each dish were incredible. We then took the tube to Paddington and I was finally let in on the secret as we queued to get into Punchdrunk's 'The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable.' 
Image from The Telegraph -
The show isn't the usual mix of theatre/dance as it is set in a four storey warehouse in which you are free to roam around whilst the performance happens around you. Audience members are given grey masks to wear so that they can be identified as spectators whilst crew members wear black. On leaving the lift that takes you into the warehouse, you are left to your own devises and thrown into the action. Ben and I found ourselves in darkness surrounded by caravans so took the advice given out at the start to go where your mind tells you to wander. 

Image from The Evening Standard -

The basic premise of the story is based around the lives of the people working in a Hollywood film studios. The different floors include the site where the crew members live, the doctors surgery, bars and the actual film sets. As the audience, you are allowed to be inquisitive; you can look in cupboards, read letters that are on desks and go through any doors that can be opened. The action unfolds around you like you have been dropped into the story; the performers carry out the show as though you are not there. You're almost like a fly on the wall - observing everything but not taken notice of. On one of the floors there is a bar for the audience to take some time out from exploring whenever they wish which provides a nice little break - being that nosy is thirsty work!

I still don't know exactly what the full storyline of the performance was but that doesn't matter; the event as a whole was so intriguing that I spent three hours in there but it felt like 5 minutes. Whilst some might find the whole premise of the show weird and slightly annoying that you're not getting to see a full performance as such, I'd definitely go to the show again. I loved the fact that you just got snippets of information and it was up to you to decipher what you'd seen. If you get a chance to go, don't miss out on an incredible event - I'm currently persuading my parents to go as there is so much I missed this time round!

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