Sunday, January 01, 2017

Happy 2017...

Happy 2017! So this post may bring on a sense of deja-vu as this time last year I was writing pretty much writing the same thing I'm about to now... but, here goes nonetheless! 

So, I spectacularly failed at sicking to my 2016 resolution of blogging at least once a week. I just fell completely out of love with it. Half way through the year it felt like I forgot how to string sentences together and no mater how hard I tried, I just couldn't find any words to go with the pictures I was capturing. Rather than force out blog posts I decided to give in and leave it until I felt like writing again. (Instead I ploughed my creative juices into Instagram and successfully posted every other day in 2016). 

For anyone returning (which I highly doubt is the case #worldsworstblogger), you may notice that things have changed a little thanks to the wonderful guys at Pipdig. Part of the reason I think I stopped enjoying As A Blonde last year was because I stopped liking the look and feel of it. Now with a sparkly new design, I'm hoping the urge to write will come flooding back - fingers crossed!

Unlike last year I'm not going to pressure myself wth any targets. What will be will be. I want this space to go back to being me writing about things I love. If that means I have a gap of a month without any posts then that's what this space will be. 

So, here's to 2017 and all that the next 365 days will bring! 

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